22 October
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Change of Attitude

Change of Attitude

Sometimes we find life tricky and tough, but the truth is we are looking at things from a very complicated perspective, bearing a complex attitude within ourselves. In this situation, a slight change in our attitude can change many things for us and make life totally different.


A Glance at Islamic Revolution of Iran

A Glance at Islamic Revolution of Iran

 Iran spent 2500 years under monarchial rules, and over half a century under the most oppressive rule of the Pahlavi regime, who was in fact puppets and blind servants of the world colonialistic powers, most particularly the American and British imperialists.

Happy Norouz

Happy Norouz

 Norouz, or the Persian New Year's Day, is a national feast, dating back to no less than 2500 years. It echoes Iranians’ insight on the globe as they consider the rebirth of the nature after a cold season as the start of a new year.

The Days Leading to Victory

The Days Leading to Victory

The unity of the Iranian nation led their Islamic Revolution to victory. As Muslim revolutionaries, men and women and children stood alongside each other, fighting against tyranny, and not fearing the guns and bullets. They were quite determined for the fulfilment of their rightful cause and had prepared themselves for any sacrifice in that sacred way.

The Celestial Figure

The Celestial Figure

Name: Sayyid Ruhollah Family name: Mostafavi, known as Mousavi Khomeini Title: Imam Khomeini Date of birth: 20th of the month of the Jamadiuthani of the year 1320 of lunar Hijri – 30th of the month of Shahrivar of the year 1281 of Solar Hijri (20/9/ 1902)

It Shines for You

It Shines for You

Don't you know the sun shines for you? Declining to ascend bring the day anew

Iran Celebrates Qualification for World League 2013 in Volleyball

Iran Celebrates Qualification for World League 2013 in Volleyball

Iran has had impressive victories during its past volleyball competitions. Iran's captain called his team's World-League-qualifying victory over Japan one of the best days of his life at a post-game press conference.

Technology and Social Values Tools to Enable Children's Voices in the World

Technology and Social Values Tools to Enable Children's Voices in the World

The landscape of childhood in the 21st century increasingly involves technology. As information and communication technologies (ICTs) become ubiquitous in homes, schools, libraries, and play spaces, children are plugged-in and online with greater frequency and at a younger age.

I am not a Chicken

I am not a Chicken

This morning, when I woke up, I discovered that I have grown a heap of feathers! Does that mean that I am turning into a hen’s chick?! It’s been a while since the people of this city have been turning into hens, gradually.

Friends; Invaluable Presents

Friends; Invaluable Presents

Every one of sound mind and intellect admits that Divine teachings are the best gifts we can and indeed should give each other, in particular the youth, because that is what they need more for their well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, in today's world, some people seem to imagine that just material welfare, including rich foods, fashionable clothing, and a university degree are all they should be provided with. Based on such a wrong view, they ignore their duty of providing the youth with what they need for their spiritual and moral upliftment.

Serving God

Serving God

Ahmad’s Mother, after saying her daily prayers, prayed to God with these words: “O my God! Make me one of Your servants.” Ahmad heard these words and asked his mother: “Mom, how can I be a servant of God.”

Imam Mohammad Baqir (AS) and Enthusiasm for Teaching

Imam Mohammad Baqir (AS) and Enthusiasm for Teaching

Mohammadibn Ali al-Bāqir (AS) was the fifth imam to the Shi‘ite people. His father was Imam Ali ibn Hussein (AS) and his mother was Fatimah bint al-Hassan. He is revered by the Shi’ite Muslims for his ...

Fun and Food: Balsamic & Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

Fun and Food: Balsamic & Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

Roasting isn't usually the first cooking method you think of for cauliflower but the results are quite delicious. 

Key Tips for Common Health Problems

Key Tips for Common Health Problems

If you learn some of these old and traditional home remedies, then next time when you experience an unexpected pain or an unpleasant feeling, you don’t have to rush to a pharmacy or visit a doctor. 

The Trapped Gazelle

The Trapped Gazelle

Once upon a time, there was a young, very beautiful gazelle living in a forest. She had large shining eyes and a soft, attractive skin. One day, as she was walking, she was caught in a trap which had been put on her way by a hunter. She tried hard to escape, but the ropes were hard and it seemed impossible for her to be able to get rid of that trap on her own.

Children’s International Film Festival in Iran

Children’s International Film Festival in Iran

The 27th International Film Festival for Children and Young Adults was held in the historical city of Isfahan. 

Islamic Lifestyle, Certain Recommendations

Islamic Lifestyle, Certain Recommendations

Islam is a perfect religion and has presented comprehensive in-structions and guidelines for all aspects of our lives, including for healthy eating, here are some recommendations for you

The Islamic Revolution of Iran and Manifestation of Islamic Values

The Islamic Revolution of Iran and Manifestation of Islamic Values

The Shah (king) of Iran was in power since 1941, but throughout his reign he faced continued opposition from religious figures and from the urban middle classes. However, the Shah enforced a strict regime, imprisoning hundreds of political activists and enforcing censorship laws.

The Holy Guest of Qom

The Holy Guest of Qom

The holy sister, her holiness M’asumah (SA), the dear sister of Imam Reza (AS) left Madinah for Qom, for faith.

An Elephant in the Dark

An Elephant in the Dark

There was once a farmer living in a small village. His life was simple and good. One day a merchant from India came to their village, sold his goods to the people there and upon returning to India, asked the farmer to accompany him, since he had many camels and needed help. The farmer accepted the offer, left the work on the farm to his kind wife and started his journey to India together with the merchant.

Nature and Beauty of Iran

Nature and Beauty of Iran

Iran is a vast and also a beautiful land. Every tourist who has visited Iran has liked it very much. Through this article, you can get to know this land better and may be interested enough in visiting Iran accompanying your family.

Nowruz and Cultural Convergence

Nowruz and Cultural Convergence

As you probably know Nowruz is an ancient national feast of Iranians held each year not only in Iran but also in the lands to which Iranians have migrated since centuries ago. This feast, which has continued to have a deep connection with people and also proved the great influence of the Persian or Iranian culture.

Final Word

Final Word

Dear young readers! As our final word, once again the staff of Zamzam Magazine sincerely greets you on the occasion of Nowruz and the arrival of spring and pray to Allah to make your whole lives fresh and fruitful like spring, full of blossoms of hope and happiness. Certainly, you will learn new things in the new year and feel better able to plan for your future. It is very good, helpful and indeed necessary for young people to spend their time learning and communicating. Knowledge is power, no doubt, and can be used as a light by the knowledgeable. Through learning more and more, you will become mentally strong and able to step into society more powerfully.

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