22 October
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Spring Brings Happiness

Spring Brings Happiness

Norooz means "New Day" in Persian language. Norooz is the traditional festival which marks the beginning of the solar year as well as the New Year on the Iranian and several other national calendars. It is also the most widely celebrated Iranian holiday.

Doing Good Things without Wasting

Doing Good Things without Wasting

As we know, using everything in the proper way and not more than the necessary amount is very important in Islam and so wasting things through using them in an improper way or more than is necessary has been forbidden by our religion. Of course, we do not want to be wasteful, but sometimes out of carelessness or because of not knowing the proper way of using things, we may waste our money by spending it on buying what we do not really need or what is harmful for us. Also, it is a waste of time if we do nothing useful, while we can use every hour of our life for useful actions, like studying, exercising and helping our parents. Related to this you are going to read a story here written by Gholamreza Hedari Abhari.

Keeping One’s Promise

Keeping One’s Promise

“… And those who preserve their trusts and their pledges….”  The Holy Qur’an, 23: 8 Keeping one’s word and being committed to one’s pledges are among norms of social conduct on which depend the well-being of the whole-society and the soundness of social relationships. And so, Islam places much emphasis on these virtues.  There are some people who promise to do what they are not able to. This is not proper behavior. One should just promise to do what he or she is able to do and that within certain limits, since things may not always happen as we expect them to.

Skillful Shopping

Skillful Shopping

As youngsters, sure you all like shopping, both for yourselves and for your family. During summer holidays, you have more free time and so can make shopping a useful way of spending your time. 

Do you know that…….

Do you know that…….

What is a leap year? Each year is divided into twelve months, and each month into a certain number of days. Three years out of every four, a year has 365 days in it. In the fourth year, there are 366 days. This is a leap year. Every leap year an extra day is added to the month of February. Normally February has 28 days in it, but in a leap year it has 29 days.

The Little Boy and the Twelve Months

The Little Boy and the Twelve Months

It was the first month of spring (the month of Farvardin as called in Persian). The little boy went to a shop – a spring shop and bought a spring season. His mother spread the spring on the trees and they blossomed.



“I enjoin two things particularly on you; monotheism and unity.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) As unity is very important in Islamic teachings, we were supposed to write about the effect of being close together and united to be successful when we came across this provoking writing in internet. You could find it here: https://motivateus.com

Absence of Disease or Being Healthy

Absence of Disease or Being Healthy

The preventive service you need might be a test, a vaccine, or advice from your doctor. Which preventive services you need depends on your age, medical history, and family history. For adolescents and young adults, there are several key areas that your doctor will probably focus on.

The Obstacles in Our Path

The Obstacles in Our Path

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

The Candy Mouse

The Candy Mouse

There was once a rabbit living happily in a forest. He would gather carrots everyday for his meals and was quite pleased with his food. But one day he met a crazy mouse who offered him candies and told him that he really didn't need to have carrots for food and could instead take candies from him (from the mouse) and give his carrots to him instead. The rabbit accepted and did that for a few days, but soon found that he was doing the wrong things because the candies made him weak and sick, so that he couldn't run like before and also his eyesight had become very weak, because candies have no vitamin A so needed for the health of rabbits.

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