18 April
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Grasp the Moment!

Grasp the Moment!

Every single minute of our life has a certain value to it. But when we are small and in school, we usually don’t bother to think about many things,

Hazrat Fatima Zahra and Her Unique Role in Islam

Hazrat Fatima Zahra and Her Unique Role in Islam

About 90 days passed since the death of the Last Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H), and every day Fatima (A.S) used to sit beside the tomb of her dear father,

Life Skill Series: Bullying

Life Skill Series: Bullying

To begin with, let’s define the term bullying as a commonly used word which refers to a particular issue. When kids hurt or scare other kids on purpose in any imaginable manner, bullying is taking place.

Marking the National Day of "PERSIAN GULF"

Marking the National Day of

The Islamic Republic of Iran designated April 30 as the "National Day of PERSIAN GULF". This date coincides with the anniversary of Shah Abbas' successful military campaign against the Portuguese navy in the PERSIAN GULF,

The Adventures of a Magic Turtle

The Adventures of a Magic Turtle

One winter afternoon, a little boy sat below a tree, next to a river. He was returning from school, and carried a large bag on his back.

Yazd, the land of magnificent windcatchers (Part 2)

Yazd, the land of magnificent windcatchers (Part 2)

Yazd, has been called by diversity of names both before the emergence of Islam in Iran and even afterwards. In 3 B.C Yazd was rebuilt, and then in 5 B.C it developed further on,



Pizza has turned into one of the most popular and favorite foods among families, let alone children. This is an absolutely simple recipe for those of you who are tired of delivery pizzas at home and would like to have a hand in what you are going to eat,



the season of spring weather seems to sing lovely lovely days are coming our ways

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